What Do Rose Hips Smell Like: A Complete Guide

If you’ve ever come across a rose hip, you may have noticed a distinct aroma emanating from the small, round fruit. But what exactly do rose hips smell like? The answer may depend on a variety of factors, including the type of rose, the ripeness of the fruit, and even the time of day. In this article, we’ll explore the scent of rose hips, including what influences their aroma and how they compare to other fragrances.

The scent of rose hips can be described as fruity, floral, and slightly sweet. Some people liken it to the smell of apples or cranberries, while others detect notes of citrus or spice. However, the exact scent can vary depending on the type of rose, as well as the stage of ripeness. For example, unripe rose hips may have a more tart or astringent smell, while overripe fruit may emit a slightly fermented odor.

Key Takeaways

  • Rose hips have a distinct fruity and floral scent, with notes of sweetness, citrus, and spice.
  • The scent can vary depending on the type of rose and the stage of ripeness.
  • Rose hip scent can be compared to other fragrances, such as apples, cranberries, and citrus.

The Scent of Rose Hips

Rose hips have a distinct, sweet, and floral scent that is often compared to that of roses. However, the scent of rose hips is not as strong as that of fresh roses. Instead, it is more subtle and earthy.

The scent of rose hips is often described as fruity, with notes of apple and pear. This is because rose hips contain high levels of vitamin C, which gives them a tangy, citrus-like aroma. The scent of rose hips can also be slightly spicy, with hints of cinnamon and clove.

When dried, the scent of rose hips becomes more concentrated and can last for months. This makes them a popular ingredient in potpourri and other fragrant products.

It is important to note that the scent of rose hips can vary depending on the species of rose and the location where they are grown. Some varieties may have a stronger scent than others, while roses grown in different climates may have a slightly different aroma.

Overall, the scent of rose hips is a delicate and pleasant fragrance that is both soothing and uplifting. Whether you are using them in aromatherapy or simply enjoying their scent in your home, rose hips are a wonderful addition to any collection of fragrant botanicals.

Close up of Rose Hips on Branches

Factors Influencing the Smell of Rose Hips

Rose Variety

Different varieties of roses have different smells, and this also applies to their hips. Some rose hips have a sweet and fruity scent, while others have a more earthy or musky smell. For example, the Rosa rugosa species is known for its strong, sweet aroma, while the Rosa canina species has a more subtle scent.

Maturity Stage

The maturity stage of the rose hip can also affect its smell. As the hips ripen, their scent can become more intense and complex. However, if the hips are overripe or have started to rot, they may give off an unpleasant odor.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and soil quality can also impact the smell of rose hips. For example, roses grown in hot and dry conditions may have a more intense and concentrated scent, while those grown in cooler and wetter conditions may have a milder aroma.

In addition, the use of pesticides and other chemicals can affect the smell of roses and their hips. Organic and sustainably grown roses may have a more natural and pleasant scent compared to those grown with synthetic chemicals.

Overall, the smell of rose hips can vary depending on several factors, including the variety of rose, maturity stage, and environmental conditions. By understanding these factors, you can better appreciate the unique and complex aromas of these beautiful flowers.

Comparing Rose Hip Scents to Other Scents

When it comes to describing the scent of rose hips, it can be helpful to compare it to other scents that you may be more familiar with. Here are some scents that are often compared to rose hips:

  • Citrus: Rose hips have a bright, tangy scent that can be reminiscent of citrus fruits like oranges or lemons. However, the scent of rose hips is generally less sweet than citrus.
  • Apples: Some people describe the scent of rose hips as being similar to that of fresh apples. This comparison is particularly apt when it comes to the scent of unripe rose hips, which can have a slightly tart, green apple-like aroma.
  • Black tea: The scent of dried rose hips can be similar to that of black tea. This comparison is particularly fitting given that rose hips are often used to make herbal teas.
  • Earthy: Another way to describe the scent of rose hips is as earthy or woody. This is because rose hips come from the fruit of the rose plant, which has a slightly earthy aroma.

While these comparisons can be helpful, it’s important to keep in mind that the scent of rose hips is unique and may not be exactly like any other scent. Additionally, the scent may vary depending on factors such as the variety of rose plant, the ripeness of the fruit, and the method of processing.

Rose Hips on a Rose Plant

Impact of Rose Hip Scent on Its Uses

The scent of rose hips plays a crucial role in determining its uses. The aroma of rose hips is described as fruity, sweet, and floral, with a hint of tartness. This unique scent is what makes rose hips a popular ingredient in a wide range of products, including perfumes, skincare, and tea.


Rose hips are a common ingredient in perfumes due to their sweet and fruity scent. The aroma of rose hips is often used as a top note in perfumes, providing a fresh and uplifting scent. The scent of rose hips is also known for its calming and relaxing properties, making it a popular choice for aromatherapy products.


Rose hips are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, making them a popular ingredient in skincare products. The scent of rose hips is often used in facial oils, serums, and creams to provide a soothing and calming effect on the skin. The fruity and floral aroma of rose hips also adds a pleasant scent to these products.


Rose hips are commonly used in tea blends due to their fruity and tart flavor. The scent of rose hips is often described as fragrant and floral, which adds to the overall sensory experience of drinking tea. The aroma of rose hips is also known for its calming and relaxing properties, making it a popular choice for herbal tea blends.

In conclusion, the scent of rose hips plays a significant role in determining its uses. The fruity, sweet, and floral aroma of rose hips makes it a popular ingredient in perfumes, skincare, and tea.


In conclusion, rose hips have a distinct and pleasant aroma that is often described as fruity and floral. The scent can vary depending on the type of rose and the ripeness of the hips.

While some people may find the smell of rose hips to be too strong or overpowering, many others enjoy the fragrance and use it in a variety of ways, including in perfumes, teas, and skincare products.

Overall, the scent of rose hips is a unique and delightful aspect of these small, but mighty fruits. Whether you are using them for their health benefits or simply enjoying their aroma, rose hips are a wonderful addition to any collection of botanicals.